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The LATA Committee needs you!


On the 26th March 2025, we will be holding the LATA Annual General Meeting, at which we will fill nine LATA Committee positions, that are either already vacant or are currently taken by Committee members coming to the end of their two year tenure, for which they may stand for election again.

We are looking for active and enthusiastic committee members that can help with LATA’s continued growth. Being on the committee is very rewarding and allows you to have an input into LATA’s future. However, it is important to note that committee members are voted in by the membership of LATA and are therefore wholly responsible and accountable to the membership of LATA.

Who can stand for the committee?

LATA member organisations may nominate one candidate to the committee providing that:

– the candidate is an employee of the organisation, and
– the candidate is willing to stand for election, and
– no other employee of the organisation is a current member of the committee or a candidate to the committee, and
– the organisation is a fully-paid up, full member of the association.

What will be required of me as a committee member?

The committee are ultimately responsible for the legal and financial activities of the association.

Regular meetings are held in London every three months (typically on the third Tuesday of January, April, July and October), which you will be expected to attend. We recognise that our members are spread around the world, so non-UK based committee members can attend the meetings virtually, by Zoom.

On behalf of Lyn Hughes, Honorary Secretary, we would like to confirm that nominations for the committee are now open, so if you, or a member of your organisation, would like to stand for the committee, please complete and return this nomination form

Nominations must be received by midnight (UK) on 24th Feb 2025. If there are more nominations than there are positions available, then the candidates will be elected by a vote of the LATA membership and the candidates with the most votes will be elected to the committee for a 2-year term at the AGM.

If you would like to know more about the committee, please contact any member of the committee, or Danny Callaghan, LATA CEO (, for more information.

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