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Latin America 2030 Project


This morning, at the LATA Expo conference, LATA Chairman, Martin Johnson announced that LATA has decided to embark on an ambitious new project.
Earlier this year, we shared our defined mission and values with you and the aim of this project is to put our new values into action. You can read more on what these are here.

Our initiative will put the new values into action working collaboratively as a whole LATA community to develop our industry and responsibly promote Latin America as a leading tourist destination.

We are calling it the Latin America 2030 Project.

LATA has over 400 members, both here in the UK and across Latin America. Within this membership, we possess a vast amount of shared passion for the continent, expertise, and numerous contacts that extend far beyond just the membership. By working together, rather than individually, we are confident that we can combine our expertise to achieve outcomes far beyond what any of us could accomplish in isolation.

Over the next 12 months, we want LATA members to come together and share their vision for our industry in 2030. We want to know your aspirations about the future of tourism to Latin America, your ideas for how we can improve what already exists and hear your concerns as well.

In the coming months, we will be contacting all members to start gathering all the information needed to get this project off the ground. We need all of you here, and those in the wider membership, to get involved. We’ll be using surveys, round tables, focus groups, and other methods as part of our information gathering.

The Latin America 2030 Project will aim to gather all your opinions and ideas and then create a shared vision. Our goal is to return to LATA Expo in 2025 with that vision, along with a strategy for us all to unite as a LATA community and implement that vision by 2030.

This is not a project that the LATA team can deliver on their own – it requires the involvement of all of us. We believe it will make the LATA community stronger, more cohesive, and that the potential of what we could achieve would put travel to Latin America leagues ahead of the rest of the world, becoming a shining example for other regions to follow.

You will be hearing much more about this exciting new project in due course, so please look out for further updates from us.

We look forward to working together as a community to create a shared vision for our industry, and thank you all in advance for your valuable insight.

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