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Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Iberá Wetlands

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

El Calafate

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Iguazú Waterfalls

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Hornocal Mountains

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion


Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Buenos Aires

Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion


Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion


Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion


Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

Iguazú Waterfalls

Argentina Tourism Board

Category: Tourist Boards
The National Institute of Tourism Promotion (Instituto Nacional de Promoción Turística) or INPROTUR, was set up in 2005 when the State of Argentina approved the National Tourism Act. We are the institution responsible for positioning Argentina in the world market as an international tourist destination, as well as turning Argentina into a leading Latin American Country when it comes to quality and diversity. We are responsible for promoting all of Argentina’s tourist attractions and offer a great experience to anyone hoping to travel to Argentina, whether on business or for pleasure.
Through cooperation with every stakeholder of the Argentine Tourism System, INPROTUR is able to offer and promote all kinds of tourist experiences from the ordinary to the extraordinary; from outdoor adventures to city breaks, mountaineering to the family friendly.
INPROTUR, through their many connections, can assist international stakeholders accelerate their businesses in Argentina. We are proud to be a part of LATA, and we are your disposal to co-create joint actions.

Specialist countries

Contact details

Head office
Argentina - National Institute of Tourism Promotion

0054 11 48501400

International Markets Coordinator

Giselle March
(+54 11) 4850 1400