Explore Worldwide

Explore has been offering off-the-beaten-track small group adventure holidays for over 35 years. Explore offer over 350 trips in more than 100 countries, including many in Latin America. With adult discovery tours, family adventures, cycling, trekking, wildlife and multi-active tours on offer across the continent, there really is something for everyone.
Contact details
Head office
Explore Worldwide
Nelson House, 55 Victoria Road, Farnborough, Hampshire
GU14 7PA
United Kingdom
Explore Worldwide
Nelson House, 55 Victoria Road, Farnborough, Hampshire
GU14 7PA
United Kingdom
01252 884 723
01252 391110 (Fax)
ATOL: 2595
ATOL 2595, IATA 9125941, AITO 1022
General Enquiries
Chris Ellis
01252 884 723